St Catherines College (Kilbirnie) St Catherines College (Kilbirnie)

Level 2 Economics

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: S Pats 1.

Recommended Prior Learning

16 credits at Level 1 Economics
Students new to economics are welcome subject to the discretion of the TIC Commerce.

This course will be offered at St Patrick's College.

On completing this course students should be able to:
•Understand the topics of Employment, Economic Growth and Inflation.
 Use software to process statistical information.
Understand how decisions made by the rest of the world impact on NZ.
•Understand how government policies impact on the economy.

This is a very topical course that looks at everyday events and how they impact on the economy. By doing this course you can understand how economics influences your daily life. We will visit the Reserve Bank, Parliament and Treasury.

Learning Areas:

Social Sciences


Students are required to purchase from the College the workbook which accompanies this subject at a cost of $25. Students can also purchase a revision workbook in Term 4 for $17 (optional).